Welcome to the #BlueBlog! My name is Emanuel Terrell and I am the owner of Piedmont Blue. I’m from Detroit, Michigan currently residing in Ypsilanti, MI. I also go by the names Manny, MannyyFreshh, Man Man, EMAN, etc the list goes on.
Piedmont Blue Enterprise is a photography and media company that I created after graduating from Eastern Michigan University in December 2016 with my Bachelors of Science in Electronic Media and Film. By April 2017, I made the decision to go into business to become an entrepreneur. Within this blog you'll get to know more about me, my thoughts and opinions on various topics within the industry and also be able to follow my journey over time! I'm looking forward to get back into writing more relatable and inspiring content.

Not only am I proud to have created this website from scratch, I’m happy to show off most of photographic work to the world. From all the encounters of friends, family, or clients, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support over the years.
I want to dedicate this blog to those who want to get to know me, and also a variety of other things relating to the photography, film, and television and industry. I’m happy explore my own research and thoughts on the industry all while creating unique projects in the near future. Along the way, I’m sure I’ll be traveling, and exploring the world through my lens. I can’t wait to experience the journey ahead of me.
Check some out here in Collections.
Here are some more photos of me if you want to know what I look like. (Its okay and totally not creepy, I understand.)
To be honest, (admittedly) I can be a workaholic, and I will definitely chase the bag if I need to at the end of the day. I honestly get it from my parents because they both grew up having to understand the importance of working and having good work ethic. That’s one of the foundations that I set my company on. Piedmont Blue came into fruition because I wanted to represent what it means to conduct business as leading black entrepreneur from Detroit. The best way that I can do that is by getting out on the streets, networking, and completing the work that needs to get done in my industry. Shout out to all the professional and hugely successful Detroit entrepreneurs who made it to their version of success! Detroit entrepreneurs hustle harder no matter what obstacles come our way.
Follow me on my personal pages:
Twitter: MannyyFreshh_
Facebook: Emanuel Terrell
Instagram: @officialmannyyfreshh